Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Welcome to my blog!


Another reason why I thrift!

10 Thrift store finds that made people rich!

Not only could you save money shopping at thrift stores, but it actually could make you rich!!

Discount Days!

Be sure to check out the discount days honored at your local thrift stores. You may feel that the prices are low enough that you don't need to take advantage of further reductions in price, but when you start shopping you will be surprised at how fast those prices add up!

I LOVE thrift shopping. I can see the potential in an old piece of old furniture, in a broken toy, or in a discarded piece of lumbar. The problem is that I don't have the room or the time to create every piece of art that I give birth to in my mind.! I've come to the conclusion that I need to finish the projects that I've already designed for myself before I then venture out again to dig up more treasures...

Welcome to my blog!